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Year 2 Classes

Welcome to Year 2!


We have 2 classes in Year 2.


Mr Pow teaches in Class 1 and Mr Harker teaches in Class 2. 


Mrs Stamper and Mrs Davidson work across both year 2 classes.

Class 1 and Class 2 have P.E. on Mondays and Tuesdays.



Please make sure your child has their P.E. kit at school throughout the week. 



36 One Jump Ahead Guide Vocal.mp3

43 Friend Like Me Guide Vocal.mp3

47 Prince Ali Guide Vocal.mp3

31 Arabian Nights (Part 1) Guide Vocal.mp3

32 Arabian Night (Part 2) Guide Vocal.mp3

Friend Like Me

A Whole New World


Audition track

Our weekly spelling quiz is held on a Wednesday. 

Our current topic is ‘Carlisle Under Siege’

Our topics in Year 2


This year, we will be studying the following topics:


Autumn- Explorers of the World


Spring - Where in the world is India?


Summer - Carlisle Under Siege

Termly curriculum plans

Use the link below to look at the curriculum for each of our subjects taught in year 2. 

Contact your class teacher!