In school we have adopted the thematic approach suggested by the PSHE Association and have adapted this to meet the needs of pupils in EYFS. This covers three broad themes; ‘Living in the Wider World’, ‘Relationships’ and ‘Health and Wellbeing’. All year groups follow the same theme at the same time to allow for a whole-school approach which can be reflected in assemblies and displays around school.
Living in the Wider World
Reception begin by discussing class rules and what rules are along with exploring the different ways of communicating – both digitally and in person. They then begin to look at the world of money and work such as what makes someone good at their job and the jobs that adults in their lives do.
Year 1 develop this through discussing the importance of rules and how to care for someone else’s needs – including looking after the environment and voting for a school council. They then focus on safe online communication and identifying their own strengths and weaknesses and the lines of work that could best suit them.
Year 2 then continue to think about their belonging to communities including similarities and differences within a community and the roles and responsibilities of people in a community. They also discuss the internet in everyday life, including types of content online and assessing what information they can trust online. With regards to money and work, children then begin to think about what money is, the difference between a need and a want and how to look after money.
All year groups receive one half term per year of ‘Kidsafe’ which is delivered by an in-school, trained professional. Not only is this an important aspect of our RSE/PSHE curriculum but also is a key aspect of safeguarding within school. Children learn about the key features of healthy relationships, what are their ‘private places’ and who their ‘trusted grown ups’ are in school – this language is then continually used by all staff in school.
Reception then also begin by looking at what a family is, who is in their family and what makes a good friend. The teachings of Kidsafe are also further reinforced through discussions around who their trusted grown ups are and what to do if they felt unsafe. Reception also look at what good manners are and the use of please and thank you.
Year 1 then develop this to think about the roles of different people in their families and what it means to feel cared for. They also further explore the ideas of consent, such as what privacy is and how and when to seek permission. This is then used to help them reflect on their own behaviour and thinking about how their behaviour can affect others.
Year 2 then continue to expand on their by looking at how to make friends, what to do if they feel lonely, how to manage secrets (particularly the difference between a ‘good’ secret and ‘bad’ secret) and resisting pressure. They continue to also explore the idea of respect, particularly in the context of recognising similarities and differences between themselves and others along with sharing opinions.
Health and Wellbeing
Reception begin by discussing what different emotions there are and the idea of ‘safety’ – particularly looking at what it means to be safe.
Year 1 then explore ways that they can stay healthy including the importance of food, exercise, sun safety and hygiene. They also begin to find ways of thinking about their mental wellbeing as well, such as how to manage difficult feelings and recognising what makes them unique and special. Along with their computing lessons, PSHE also gives them time to learn about the importance of age-restricted products and keeping safe online.
Year 2 begin this topic by learning about the importance of sleep and the role that medicines can have on impacting our health. Again, Year 2 have a focus on managing their feelings and seeking help with their feelings if necessary. Both Year 2 classes have features in their classrooms that allow children to talk openly about how they are feeling at a particular point in the day. They also learn about safety in different environments such as at home, in emergencies or when crossing the road.
All three year groups are also prepared for the move to a new year group throughout this topic, to aide with a smooth transition.