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Make some symmetrical butterflies!

Make long and short paper chains! Miss Boertien.

Leo made some playdough numbers today. Miss Boertien.

Whilst out on your daily walk have a look for different shapes you might see, so for example you might see a drain that is rectangular or a stop sign that is circular etc. You can also do this in your house! The children love to go on shape hunts around school! Then once you've found some have a go at drawing them...this could be on paper, chalk or a wet paintbrush onto the ground!

You could then make a symmetrical butterfly. So first cut out a butterfly using paper, I find it easiest to draw it first then cut round it, if your child can use scissors get them to have a go at cutting. Now let your child paint half of the butterfly then fold it in half and show them how they are now symmetrical!

Make your own maths sheets! Miss B.

Pattern- colour, object, number, shape, size... Miss Boertien.

Ordering items by length. We used string. Miss B.

Number towers.

Find anything you can to count! Then make your own number cards and match to the correct amount of objects. Miss B.

Maths- Sort your toys! Into size, shape, colour, types of cars/ animals...the possibilities are endless! Miss B.