We all hope you’ve had a lovely summer and the children are excited to come back next week. It was fun to see so many of you out and about over the summer break. We will be open as usual with Nursery, Year 1 and Year 2 returning on Wednesday the 4th September. Reception classes are having a staggered start and all parents will have received an email via evidence me on Monday reminding you of important information. We would also like to take this chance to remind all families that as per our Summer newsletter and the New starters information we will only be using Newlaithes water bottles in class. These will be provided to children by us on the first day. Also as always, jewellery is not permitted in school, this includes earrings.
Have a fabulous final few days of the summer even if it has been a bit wet! It looks like there may be some nice weather to finish though.
Looking forward to seeing you next Wednesday
The Newlaithes Nursery and Infants team