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Our Curriculum


Our curriculum intent - what we'll learn

  • Our curriculum plans below show what we want our pupils to know and do by the time they finish each year group.
  • Our curriculum is designed to provide a broad and balanced education that gives our pupils the skills, knowledge and understanding to prepare them for their future lives. With this in mind, we ensure reading, writing and maths are given high priority.
  • As well as academic success we support the development of the whole child through, for example, creativity and problem solving, physical development, well-being and mental health.
  • We promote a positive attitude to learning through our keys to success – organisation, confidence, persistence and getting along.
  • Our curriculum is designed to support the pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.


Curriculum implementation - how we'll learn it

  • We offer a curriculum which is broad and balanced and which builds on the knowledge, skills and understanding of all children, whatever their starting points.
  • Phonics and early reading are a key focus as we want all our children reading well by the time they move to the junior school.
  • Children start in nursery and/or reception following the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.
  • In years one and two the National Curriculum is delivered using an integrated and cross-curricular topic approach.
  • The more able are challenged further in their learning and those who find aspects of their learning more difficult are given appropriate support. Appropriate adjustments may be made, but no child is precluded from accessing our curriculum.
  • The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our pupils and their understanding of our society’s core values are woven through the curriculum.
  • Our school ‘planning areas’ (modelled on excellent Early Years’ provision) encourage and develop independence and creativity and are a special feature of our school.
  • The links below give further information about the teaching of each subject.
  • Disabled children and those with special educational needs access as much of the curriculum as possible, with adaptations being made if needed.


Impact of our curriculum - how we'll measure

  • Teachers regularly assess how well children are learning knowledge and skills. This can be done in a variety of ways, such as short assessment during or at the end of a lesson, by giving the children a specific task to check their understanding or by effective questioning.
  • Teachers give keys to children who are demonstrating confidence, persistence, organisation or getting along and they receive a certificate at our weekly celebration assembly.
  • Termly pupil progress meetings are held to discuss the progress each child is making and to agree what steps can be taken to support those in need.
  • Teachers use their evidence of pupils’ learning to adapt their planning.


If you want to find out more about our curriculum follow the links below. You can also talk to your child's teacher who will be happy to talk through our curriculum in greater detail.

The year group links below will take you directly to the year group pages where you can see what each year will be learning throughout their topics. 

Our 50 Things to do at Newlaithes aims to give all children opportunity to take part in a range of activities; some are silly, some are challenging - but they're all fun!